Myth #1. Clothes hangers when empty will teleport themselves to the laundry room for the next use. It is not just in closets that I find empty hangers. Nope. Why just today I located three renegade hangers on the Little People's bedroom floor. Just lying there like plastic roadkill. They have also been discovered under beds, in the bathroom and my personal favorite, buried under the formless Pottery Barn couch in the
Myth #2. Used washcloths also teleport themselves to the laundry room. My boys are all responsible for bringing their dirty clothes to the laundry room and for putting up the clean clothes. With constant
Myth #3. Socks reproduce. Well at least I think that is the myth. Why else would they be left all over the floor, and tucked under couch cushions, in every room of the house if it were not for propagation of the species? And then they are surprised when they run of of clean socks. (Insert eye roll and motherly sigh here.)
Myth #4. Opening the refrigerator multiple times will make the options better. The Eldest can be a picky eater. I often see him going between the pantry, freezer and refrigerator up to five times each checking out the options. This occurs only when the options are scarce or really healthy. I have never noticed that behavior when there is cake, cookies or pie.
Myth #5. The more toys on the bed, the more restful the sleep. Do your children do this? It is not uncommon to hear loud thunks as darling husband and I are
Myth #6. This is perhaps the most prevalent myth among young male children. Evidently they believe that if you urinate inside of the toilet bowl the toilet will snap certain parts off and thereafter you will be forced to dress in pink and wear very large, sparkly bows in your hair. And as a final offering to the toilet god the lid must be left in the up position. If you have any ideas on how to debunk this myth I am all ears!
So what are some of the favorite myths in your house? I am sure there are some amazing ones out there. Now if you will excuse me there is a toll fee in need of collecting.