Happy New Year! Okay so I am 13 days late! If you ask my mom she will tell you I was two weeks overdue. So really for me, I'm on time.
Yes that is only in my alternate reality but that is the same one that tells me there are no calories in chocolate.
We ended and started the new year with family. My parents were here for Christmas and then we spent New Years with two of my three sister-in-laws. I finally met my niece and nephew and they were adorable. After the Grinch made his appearance last month all I wanted was a quiet and peaceful holiday and that was achieved. No emergency room visits, no break down of vehicles on the trip and not even a speeding ticket. For my crew this was a miracle in action!!
So now that we have the new year or as the Mayans thought the "end of times", what have you got planned? Did you make
already break any resolutions? I only made one resolution this year. To spend more time with people I love. Being a home school mom in the mornings and then dealing with homework and activities in the afternoons and weekends means I only see my kids on a regular basis. Now I love my kids but they are not the only people who I care about in my life. This year I want to do better about seeing family and friends. This year will mean more trips to visit extended family, more dates with my husband and more girls night out events. Moms need to spend time away from their children. We need to hear other points of view, meet people from different cultures and mindsets and just talk to grownups. We need to go out with our husbands and remember why we married him in the first place. This restores our spirit and let me tell you mine needs some restoration after last year.
I hope your resolutions are going well so far and that you are each on the path to achieving your dreams for 2012. And just in case those crazy Mayans were right and did not just run out of stellas to write on, I am eating extra chocolate this year. My last meal might as well be a good one!