Friday, September 30, 2011

Why I am wearing one shoe.

Clomp, swish, clomp, swish.  Odd sounds coming from the doorway as I am about to start dinner are never a good sign.  And the weirdness always starts during dinner preparations.  Here he comes, Twin A, in his school clothes, minus one shoe.  He had on two shoes when he went outside.  Oh yeah, this is going to be interesting.    Up come the hands in explanation, "Mom, it happened like this".  "I was playing football with the guys and I made the most amazing kick!"  Okay...and your shoe is where?  "Well, it came off and flew so high into the air!  You should have seen it Mom!  Amazing!"  Yes son, but that doesn't answer the question.  "I just need to know which ladder to use."  <Yeah, this is the accident prone 9-year-old, asking for a ladder.>  Why do you need the ladder son?  "Well my shoe kind of got stuck in the neighbor's gutter.  On. Top. Of. The. House." 

Yes, I did retrieve the shoe after going back to school for an engineering degree so I could figure out how to set up the multipurpose ladder.  Did I mention that darling husband does not allow me on ladders because I am the klutz that gave Twin A the klutz gene?  Oh and the ladder had to straddle a small ditch to reach the shoe.

And that is why dinner was at 7:00 p.m., again.


Anonymous said...

Like the story

Anonymous said...

Wonderful stories of the perils of parenthood. Glad you are blogging. In time these memories will be gold to you and to the children.

Carole Ann

Christy said...

So glad this blog exists!


Bill Washburn ( POP) said...

Thank God we only had to raise you my darling daughter. Sorry most of my time was spent on military duties, but we did have some wonderful times and did get to travel Europe.

mom of boys said...

Thanks so much for the kind remarks everyone! I hope I add a smile to your day on this blog. Even if it is only a "Thank God that is not me" smile. :)

MOTN said...

Unfortunatley, many of your perils - I share! Glad you are writing these down though - one day we'll look back and laugh!